Hi guys, Ookami here with a deck check for a competitive "Blaukluger" deck. This time, I will explain on how this could be really fun to play and consistent.

Happy Holiday Everybody!

Photo by Zero Radiance @cardfight.wikia
Hi guys! It's been a long month, so, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all of you! G-BT 01 set has came out a while ago, and people start to showcase Stride decks in local tournaments and it's very awesome. But, I haven't done much in my blog. I need you guy's help to make this blog a better one. I'm trying to make a community around this blog, which I will make soon on social networks such as Facebook, Ask.Fm and many else. 

By the way, deck check will soon be posted. I hope you are waiting for it, because this one is a really OP deck, with great defense and nice pressure all over. Until then, I will see you in the next posts!

Discussion: Seasons and Systems

All of you guys literally have known about systems that changes between seasons in Cardfight Vanguard. Today, I want to discuss about the systems in Cardfight Vanguard, from season 1 till season 5. 

Now, let's talk about season 1. Season 1 is the place where G3 is a really sacred thing , the things that is super powerful. As you know, the first season is the introduction of several clans and where the main character is not powerful at all. In season 1, they introduce the use of Megablast. The system of Counterblasting 5 cards & Soulblasting 8 cards. This is super insane, but the cost really pays off. Well, not on all decks though. From all the megablasters that exist, I think the best one is the Angel Feather's Megablast : Mobile Hospital, Feather Palace. This unit has the unique skill to restart your game if you have 5 rear guards on your field. This season is really good because it has full fights in the game and the antagonist is cool-looking.

 Let's go on to the next season, Asia Circuit. Aichi loses his Royal Paladin and replaced by Gold Paladin, whereas Kai loses his Kagero and replaced by Narukami clan. The system of Limit Break is introduced in this season, and some new clans are also introduced in this season. Limit Break is the system where you can activate the effects of your units while having 4 Damage. This is a late game system but you can use the damage adder which costs 1 counterblast to add one damage. These cards exist on many clans and is helping them in the Asia Circuit. Limit Break is still used until season 3.

 Next, Season 3. The invasion of the alien clan(which isn't aliens) Link Joker. This is actually the time where I get back to Cardfighting and where people gets reversed. Reversed people gets superpower on Cardfighting, new units with the ability of locking your opponents cards. Bushiroad haven't feel enough disadvantage with the appearance of Link Joker, that they introduces the unit of Star-vader, Omega(Ω) Glendios : Omega Locking and Insta-Win on Fifth damage. Locking is a severe disadvantage to all clans, because it is a skill where you can't do "anything" with it unless it gets unlocked. Or, you can just have a reversed unit, and lock your own rear guards to activate super powerful skills. Overall, this season is fun to watch but the support for Link Joker is hurting.

Season 4, the season where the plot is only on story-telling. The point of this season is the disappearance of Aichi from the team. The rescue operation by Kai, Kamui, Misaki, Naoki and Miwa to find the lost Aichi. The Legion Mate is the system introduced in this season. Legion Mate doesn't have the skill of Limit Break, Because it's limits has been broken even when you only have 2 damage. With the vanguard with power of 20k each turn , and effects of gaining extra criticals, the pace of the game has been increased. The appearance of Quintet Walls also affects the flow of the game that can help them to Legion on early stages. The cards with the skills of Dis1Draw1 is also the key card in this system. The season is not really fun, because the fights doesn't shows you from g0 to g3s, but they make it faster that they only show you the fight when they legion. In that instant, the game was finished. The only thing that is fun in this system is the cards. Yes, the artworks were great and new archetypes were introduced.

In season 5, it is the Generation of Stride. Stride is the system where you make grade 4 cards usable, while discarding a grade with the addition of 3. The system is really powerful, but the anime's plot is worst than season 4. The story revolves around Chrono Shindou is good, but the inability of them to provide full fights makes the movie not fun to watch.

In conclusion, to make the best cardfight anime ever, they must combine the ability of full fights from season 1, and the system of stride from season 5. Overall, season 5 has a lot more potential with the new grade 4s and the system of Mission of some sort. Currently, my ratings for each Season was:
Season 1 : 4/5 points
Season 2 : 4/5 points
Season 3 : 3.5/5 points
Season 4 : 2.5/5 points
Season 5 : 3/5 points. (For now.)

Thank you guys for reading, let me know in the comment section below about your opinion, and see you guys on the next posts.

Introduction : About Me and Cardfight

Hello guys! I'm Ookaminuo, or Sea Wolf in translation. I've been playing Vanguard for 1 and a 1/2 years. My first deck was Phantom Blaster Overlord/ Phantom Blaster Dragon. My friend asked me to play it so badly, and I actually maxed it. That time, I have watched an episode or so on Vanguard, and fell in love with playing it. But actually, I stop on the release of BT 6 : Breaker of Limits because there's no one that I can ask to play with considering I never gone to the Card Shop and play with guys I never met.

But then, there's a bazaar held on my school. It was the day of release of TD 11 : Star-vader Invasion which features clan Link Joker , and I'm interested on buying one of them. But, I realize there's another TD. It was TD 3: Golden Mechanical Soldier which features clan Nova Grappler. And this is where I began my love on Nova Grappler.

So, on my birthday which is 2nd January 2014, I asked my mother to go to a card shop and buys me some booster box. There's no stock of any BT that supports Nova Grappler, so I bought 2 Extra Boosters which is Extra Booster 4 : Infinite Phantom Legion and Extra Booster 8 : Champions of the Cosmos which features Nova Grappler clan. But, EB 4 is in English and EB 8 is in Japanese. As a noob, I combine those 2 boosters to become a deck, and guess what, It's a total mess. 

I've begun to join the community of Cardfight and plays with some guys in the card shop. I then study about how to pressure our opponents and how to not give them Limit Break early ( note that I haven't watched any of Vanguard episodes till that day). And not a long time later, Vanguard releases the new episode after the Link Joker invasion, which is Legion Mate. In my opinion, this system looks cool, and the power of the Vanguard is really pressuring, but the problem is lining up the 2 Vanguard, and the drop zone. Decks with no Discard 1 and Draw 1(Dis1Draw1) clones will get so much disadvantage , such as Tachikaze which only has a 6k booster Dis1Draw1 (Fortress Ammonite)

And then, the Legion mate era has ended. It comes to a new season. By the time I post this blog, It was the period when Episode 6 of Season 5 : Generation Stride was released. I've ventured so many experiences on deck building and pressuring the opponent, especially skill consistencies. G BT 01 :Generation Stride has been released and there's not many time that it will get into trends and new system will be applied.

Then, I decided that ; with the help of our technology which is CardFight Area that can help us simulates our deck for future purposes, I will make deck checks and discussions about new cardfight trends, and also meta updates. I'll also gladly accepts your comments and critics about my posts.

And, I'm going to start my journey of deck checking with Generation Stride decks. If you want me to help with your deck building, you can comment on my posts and tell me what deck would you want me to build, and I hope that you guys like them. :)

This blog is new, I know. That's why I really need you guy's help to help me improve with my later posts.

Thank you very much for reading this post, and if you're new to Vanguard, here's some key words used in this post :
BT = Booster Pack
TD= Trial Deck
Legion Mate= System applied in Season 4 of Cardfight Vanguard
Stride Generation= System applied in Season 5 of Cardfight Vanguard

I'll see you on the upcoming posts!!